independent guide in supplements to lead a healthy vegan life. Humane for animals.
As I wrote before; searching for more information about non-protein amino-acids on vegan websites didn't give me a lot of result. I just wanted to know the importance of it, knowing direct sources of amino-acids are mainly non-vegetable foods. I only found the few sentences on Veganhealth under non-protein amino acids ; 'If you are a vegan who started getti…
Read moreI would like to highlight three non-protein amino acids; Taurine, L-Carnitine and Creatine. These amino acids are not available from direct plant sources. (Direct sources are; meat, fish, milk and eggs.) Though they should be part of a daily vegan diet, they are easily forgotten due to a lack of information. The only small article I found on the web, from the vegan…
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